The Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan update is required to be completed by June 2016. A draft plan with three land-use alternatives was issued for public comment in November 2015. Based on input received from the public, County staff recommended a preferred land-use (zoning) alternative to the Board of County Commissioners. Maps are now available here

There are three main types of impacts property owners can anticipate:

  • Zones being suggested for changes to increase density, that is, to allow more dwelling units per acre.
  • Zones being suggested for changes to decrease density, generally to avoid development in critical areas and protect rural areas.
  • Commercial zones being “collapsed” from eight zones to four zones in order to encourage a greater mix of uses within commercial areas.

Public hearings on the overall Comprehensive Plan update are currently being scheduled for April through June, 2016.

To share a comment, please send it to

For questions please email  or phone 360-337-5777.